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Q. Can I use designs created with MiriCanvas for commercial purposes?

Designs made in compliance with MiriCanvas' terms of use and licensing agreements can be used to create advertising promotional materials for non-profit or commercial purposes. It can be used as various forms of advertising and promotional materials, including print, web, and video. For more specific details, please refer to Clause 7 of the license agreement regarding the permitted use of content.


Designs cannot be used for the purpose of creating products for sale, but can be used for advertising and promotional purposes. For example, creating designs for company uniforms using MiriCanvas is allowed, but creating designs for t-shirts to be sold is not allowed.


In the case of design commission production and delivery, it is possible under the conditions specified in Article 6 (Additional Authority for Design of Commissioned Form) of the license agreement.

However, selling designs based on design samples or completed designs created by MiriCanvas is not allowed.(e.g., posting designs created with MiriCanvas as design samples on online platforms such as Smart Store, Kmong, etc., and receiving orders or selling based on them)


Please refer to Article 9 (Prohibited Use of Content) of the license agreement for other prohibited uses.


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