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Q. Is it permissible for public institutions and organizations to use designs created with MiriCanvas?

Q. Is it permissible for public institutions and organizations to use designs created with MiriCanvas?

A. Yes, you can use them in public institutions and organizations!


You can also publish them on the institution's (or organization's) website or SNS channels, and use them for emailing or text messaging.

Additionally, you can print and distribute them or create banners, banners, brochures, etc.



  • If there are elements added directly apart from what is provided by MiriCanvas, you should verify the copyright yourself.
  • It is permissible to use presentations created with MiriCanvas for educational materials or promotional materials, but sharing, distributing, or selling the downloaded PPT files to others is not allowed.
  • Please download them in a different file format such as PDF and then share them, or utilize the [Share] function provided by MiriCanvas for sharing. Click here for instructions on how to use the [Share] function.
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