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Workspace Use Guide

Let me explain about the 'Workspace' where you can save your designs. 😊

First, there are two ways to access the 'Workspace'!


1️⃣Check on the Workspace Page


2️⃣Check after launching the Editor

When you launch the editor, you can find the 'Workspace' menu on the left side!


💡Please read carefully

    • My Design: You can view all the design documents saved in My Drive.
    • My Drive: You can check your design documents and uploaded files, and create folders to organize them.
    • Shared Drive: A collaborative space that can be used with workspace members, allowing you to share design documents and uploaded elements for collaboration with members.(👉Check the Shared Drive Usage Guide(Click))
    • Trash: You can view and restore deleted design documents or elements. After 30 days, the Trash is automatically emptied and items are permanently deleted!



There are slight differences in functionality when using the Workspace page and the Editor.

Let me explain in more detail! 😊



*️⃣Workspace Page


[My Design]

When you click on a saved design document, the editor will launch, allowing you to continue editing.

Additionally, when you hover your mouse cursor over a design document thumbnail and click the More(···) button, you can access various functions.

You can make a copy, rename, share, and more with the same design!


[My Drive]

In addition to launching the editor to view and edit design documents, you can also add folders and upload personal image or video files.

    • ________.png This is the button to add a folder.
    • _______.png This is the button to upload files.
    • ________.png This is the button to view the document list in a simplified or detailed view.





When you click on a design document from the [My Design] or [My Drive] list, it will overwrite the current page you are working on.

This method does not load the original document itself; instead, it only overwrites the design of the current document.


*To load the saved design with its original size and pages, use the 'Overwrite with this design' feature.


If you want to continue editing a previously edited design document? 🤔

Hover your mouse cursor over the design document thumbnail and click the More(···) button to select 'Edit Original.'
A new window will open with the original design document. After making edits and saving, the original document will be updated as well.
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