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Shared Drive Permissions by Role

You can invite workspace members to your Shared Drive and use it together. When inviting a member to your drive, you can configure permissions such as drive administrator, edit, feedback, and view. 


  • Drive Administrator: By default, the workspace administrator who created the drive is assigned as the drive administrator. Drive administrator has the authority to change the drive info (name, description, and color), invite other workspace members to the drive, and assign drive permissions (administrator, edit, feedback, view).

  • Can Edit: Able to edit designs and templates that exist on the drive and upload contents to the drive.

  • Can Give Feedback: Able to give feedback on designs that exist on the drive and create design copies. Also able to use templates and contents that exist on the drive.
    * Design copies are saved to the drive.

  • Can View: Able to view designs that exist on the drive and create copies. Also able to use templates and contents that exist on the drive.


💡Please Read!

  • In a workspace using a free version, all workspace members become Shared Drive administrators. It’s not possible to invite members individually or designate their roles individually.  
  • To move designs or contents that exist on [My Drive] to [Shared Drive], drive permission of “Edit” or higher is needed.
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