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Brand Kit Use Guide

By Using a brand kit, you can register the team’s brand logo and add a color palette consisting of designated colors.

You can add a brand kit that helps you created uniform designs and use the kit as follows.


※ Brand kit functions are supported by Pro / Enterprise plans.

  Pro Enterprise
Number of Generatable Brand Kits 10 100



*️⃣Adding a BrAnd Kit

💡Only members whose role is designer or above can add and delete brand kits.


1. Switch to the workspace where you want to add the Brand Kit, then follow the steps: on the left, go to [Brand > Add Brand Kit].


2. You can upload the logo and set it by specifying the color and font.

*Logos can upload JPG, PNG, and SVG files, and you can also upload and use your own fonts.


3. Click the + button in the color section to select a brand color.

* You can click the "Add color Palette" button to add multiple palettes.

* Double-click the default palette name ("Brand kit palette") to rename it as desired.



4. Set the default fonts for Title, Subtitle, and Body text in the Font section below.

You can choose from fonts provided by Miricanvas or upload your own fonts.

Untitled-design (1).gif


5. To upload personal fonts, click the "Upload Font" button.

* Supported font file formats are .ttf and .otf.

* Note that only lowercase file extensions are allowed. If the extensions are uppercase, make sure to change them to lowercase before uploading.

브랜드 키트 글꼴 이용 방법 3.png


💡Please read it!

  • When uploading a font, make sure to verify the font's usage rights and license.
  • Deleting uploaded fonts does not affect existing designs.



*️⃣Using an Added Brand Kit

✔️The added Brand Kit can be used in the editor!


1️⃣ Using Logos
In the editor, go to the [Logo] menu on the left to select the added Brand Kit. You can view and use the registered logos.

You can also upload additional logos from this menu.

Note: Only members with Designer or higher roles have upload permissions.


2️⃣Using font

When you select Brand Kit from the text menu, you can add text using the fonts specified for title, subtitle, and body text.


In addition, you can select the font placed in the edit area and select the font that you uploaded directly when you changed the font.


3️⃣ Using Color

Color palette can be selected for text, Illustrator elements, themes, backgrounds, and all other items with configurable colors.

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