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Setting prohibited words

Workspace owners and administrators can set and manage prohibited words that should not be used in designs.

To ensure members can work on designs more safely, follow the steps below to set prohibited words!

※ The prohibited word setting function is supported by the Pro / Enterprise plan.



*️⃣Enable prohibited word settings


First, please check if you have switched to the workspace where you want to set the banned word.

After that, you can enable or disable the ban settings on the left side of the workspace under [Brand Management > Banned Word Settings].







*️⃣Add prohibited words


Enable the Banned Word setting and enter the words that should not be used in the list.

Enter several prohibited words separated by commas and press the "Save Changes" button at the bottom to set the prohibited words.


After setting, you can click the "Edit" button to modify the content and save it again.

※ When using prohibited words, a popup window like the image on the left will appear during saving and downloading!


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