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Design Approval Feature User Guide

With the design approval feature, you can exchange feedback on designs with members sharing the workspace!

You can also proceed with edits and confirmations!

Manage all designs created within your workspace together.

※ The Design Approval feature is supported in the Pro / Enterprise plans.



*️⃣Requesting Design Approval


You can request approval for designs in My Drive and shared drives within the workspace.

*Workspace owners and administrators do not support the approval request feature.


1. Please click on "Request for approval" in the More options (···) menu at the top right corner of the editor.



2. Write the details for the approval request, add approvers, and then click the "Send" button.

💡Please make sure to check the following content. 😊

  1. Approvers must be added in the order they need to approve.
  2. You can add up to four approvers!
  3. Additionally, you can also change the visibility settings for added approvers.
    • Edit mode: You can directly edit the design.
    • Reviewer mode: You can leave comments in the design area or review feedback from other members.
    • View mode: You can only view the design.


3. Once the approval request is submitted, approvers will receive the following approval request email.


Additionally, you can also check in the top right notification menu of the workspace!



*️⃣Approve Design


The approver who received the approval request can review the design in the following order and complete the approval.


1. Here are 3 ways to run an editor that can check the design you've been asked to approve!

You can check the contents below and run the editor in a way that's convenient for you!

  • 1️⃣Click "Review" in approval request mail
  • 2️⃣Click the requested history in the top right alarm menu of the workspace
  • 3️⃣In the workspace, go to [Design Approval > Designs awaiting approval], click on the item, and then click "Review."


The video below shows how to check the workspace in the order of [Design Approval > Design Requested Approval].


2. Once you've run the editor, you can check the design and leave feedback.


If you don't need to modify it separately, you can "approve" it by clicking the Under Review button at the top of the editor.


3. Designs that have all been approved by the approver are shown an approval mark in the [ Design Approval > Designs Requested ] list in the workspace.


In addition, the thumbnail shows an approval mark on my drive or shared drive where the design is stored.

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