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Using Page Animation Feature

Create exciting and dynamic designs using animation features!

The animations you set can be viewed in slideshow mode, share viewers, and video files.



*️⃣Set Page Animation Effects


1. Without selecting any elements, click 'Animation' in the bottom menu of the editor.


2. Check the animation list in the left menu and select the effect you want to apply.

*Page animation effects are applied to the entire current page.


3. Apply the desired animation effects to each page individually!

If you want to apply the same effect to multiple pages, click 'Apply to all pages'.



*️⃣Set Animation Effects for Individual Elements


1. Select the element to which you want to apply animation, then click 'Animation' in the bottom menu or the left menu of the editor.


2. Check the animation list in the left menu and select the desired effect.

*If you have selected text, you can use animation effects specific to text, such as typewriter or bounce.


3. Apply the desired animation effects to each individual element!


💡Please make sure to check.

  • When you apply animation effects to individual elements, you can configure detailed options (such as appearance and disappearance, appearance time, speed, and direction).
  • The available detailed options may vary depending on the animation effect, and configuring these options requires a Pro subscription.



*️⃣Check the Applied Animation Effects


1. Check in Slideshow

Click the More (···) button in the top-right corner of the editor to start the slideshow.


2. Check in Share View

*To learn how to use the share view, please click 'here'.


3. Download as a Video and Check

Download as MP4 or GIF file and check it.

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